3 Reasons Your Facebook Ads Aren’t Working (and how to fix it)

Brian Czekanski
3 min readSep 18, 2020

“Facebook ads have not been kind to me”

“Facebook ads don’t work for MY business”

If you are pouring money into Facebook ads and not getting the return you are looking for, it may not be due to your ad language.

You may not know it, but Facebook desperately wants your ad to be successful.

The more money you make they know you’ll likely spend more on their platform.

So Facebook gives you plenty of data to identify where your advertising is going wrong.

There has never been a better time to market your business on Facebook.

Here are the 3 easy ways to diagnose where your ad might be going wrong:

1. Do you have the right campaign objective?

When you first create your ad, Facebook will ask what is the objective of the ad that you are creating.

It can seem overwhelming at first, but there are only 2 choices that are relevant.

- Lead generation — this keeps all the leads on the Facebook platform.

This is best when you want to collect their personal information (name, email address, phone number) for something of value.

Facebook will actually prefill this information for the lead so all they have to do is verify and click submit.

- Conversion — this is the campaign used most often. From your ad, you include a link to your sales or opt-in page where they can buy directly or you can ask for their information.

The reason that these two campaigns are best is they allow the Facebook algorithm to find the buyers that are right for you.

For example, say you are selling a group program and one of the first leads views your sales page and enrolls.

The Facebook algorithm will see this and start placing your ad directly in front of those people in the network that are most like that person that enrolled.

As your ad continues to run the algorithm will collect more and more data about which people are likely to enroll.

It will put your ad in front of those people and will avoid placing your ad in front of those that aren’t likely to take action.

Right now if you are running a traffic, reach or any other campaign it may be the reason your ad isn’t working.

2. Discover how your ad is performing

Once you have your ad set up properly and have run it for at least 24 hours, it’s time to see how it’s performing.

Go into ads manager and go to the ad set level.

In one of the dropdowns, you will see the types of data in which you can view ad performance.

Scroll down and select performance and clicks.

In viewing the performance of your ad, the results and the cost of results are the first things you want to look at.

But if you have no results so far, scroll over until you see a column called CTR (Link Click-Through Rate).

This percentage tells you how many people have seen your ad and clicked through to the next page.

The average is 2.5%.

If the number you see is above 2.5% your ad copy is performing well and the problem is likely in the pages afterward.

Add more information to your landing page to make your leads more motivated to take the next step.

If it’s below 2.5% it is best to start testing some new ad language.

Right now not enough people are finding your ad good enough to take the next step.

3. If you have a high number of link clicks and not much in the way of results it may be that the audience that your targeting is not a good match.

Here is where you should go back to your ad and adjust what interests and behaviors you have put in there.

The problem may be that you have asked Facebook to show the ad to a certain audience that is not a good match for your offer.

For even more information about running successful Facebook ad campaigns for your business, check out my website at mindsetcopy.com



Brian Czekanski

I Help Personal Development Coaches Achieve 100k Youtube Subscribers in 10 Months Without Spending a Dime on Ads Through ‘The Hive Method’