How to Create a High Converting Email Sequence

Brian Czekanski
4 min readDec 9, 2019

Imagine if you had a system in place that was running in the background generating new business.

24/7 & 365.

When you are on vacation it’s generating new business for you. Same if its outside of working hours or you are pre-occupied by something else that needs solving.

It does take some time to setup, but after that it works like a fine tuned machine.

A high converting email sequence can be one of your best assets for growth.

Let’s start with defining what a sequence actually is before jumping in.

An email sequence allows your new customers and prospects to get to know, like and trust you from the start. It’s also designed to take them by the hand and lead them to the most relevant offer.

There are a lot of ways to motivate people to sign up for your email list and I’ll cover the top strategies in a future post.

But for today, let’s assume they opted into your list by giving you their first name and email address.

For the 6 days or so they are going to get an email from you at least everyday (more on what those emails cover in a second).

Using the automation tools within your email provider (the most common ones include Mailchimp, Covertkit and ActiveCampaign) will ensure these emails go out without you having to do anything.

When someone signs up for your email list, it will tend to be when they are most motivated.

The idea is to get in front of them everyday. Answer any questions they might have. Knock down all their objections and give them all the information they need to buy from you.

You want them to get into the habit of opening your email, clicking any links and replying as much as possible. Those little micro-commitments will lead to more buyers over time.

Here are the fundamentals of a high converting email sequence.

Each email starts with a headline. The only goal of the headline is to get the reader to open your email. Don’t try to sell in that line as well.

Best practice is to keep it to 8 words or less and lead with curiosity to get their attention. Mentioning benefits along with curiosity is another great option.

Email 1 — Welcome
Let them know how excited you are that they took the opportunity to join your list.

If they opted in for some material that you offered, remind them of what it is and why they should consume it. Then pass along the link.

Set expectations for what they should expect going forward from you. Do you email a few times a week or per month? Is there a specific day and time they should look out for it?

Then spark their interest by mentioning future topics you will cover.

Don’t give it all away, use curiosity to get them motivated to open your emails in the next few days.

End by asking them a question and tell them to respond.

Getting replies will signal to their email provider that your stuff is not spam.

It will also give you an opportunity to start a conversation with them that could lead to a sale. Or at the very least a better idea of who is on your list and the problems they are dealing with.

In the p.s. include a sentence or two about the most relevant offer that you have and tell them to click the link.

They could be the most motivated that they will ever be in buying from you when reading this email. So take the opportunity to put an offer in front of them.

Email 2 — Personal story or background on how your business came to be

This is all about building your credibility and letting them in on what your company is all about.

Email 3 — Testimonial

If you have them, detail some of the success stories of the past. What was their life like before your product/service and how has it changed since?

Remaining emails -

Reverse any false beliefs your readers might have about your product/service or industry.

Knock down any common objections and educate them.

Create an email linked to a survey to get a better idea of who they are, how they found you and what they are dealing with.

If you get any common, repeated questions from customers, put them all in an email. Provide responses and offer them the opportunity to reply and ask about anything else.

Each email is designed to take them by the hand and get them to sign up for one of your offers.

Some subscribers will be highly motivated and buy on day 1, others will need a bit more information to sign up.

But the idea is that at the end of the sequence they have all the information they need.

They know, like and trust you and they know that your offer can help them in their situation.

Think of your automated email sequence as another member of your sales team.

For more information and to see an automated sequence in action, check out my video and article linked here.



Brian Czekanski

I Help Personal Development Coaches Achieve 100k Youtube Subscribers in 10 Months Without Spending a Dime on Ads Through ‘The Hive Method’