The Secret to Losing The Dreaded COVID-30

Brian Czekanski
3 min readJun 26, 2020

I’ve shied away from one thing during this whole quarantine experience…

…because there was nothing to gain by doing it.

Knowing how many pounds my incessant snacking had resulted didn’t seem that important.

So I never jumped on a scale.

Because I didn’t have to.

My jeans no longer fit…

…I was out of breath every time I walked up the stairs…

…and I hadn’t been this exhausted all day since I weighed 275 pounds.

So I will never know if I put on the COVID 30 or the COVID 60.

But in the end, does it really matter?

This week I started to reverse the damage.

I used to be able to work out in the early morning with my 10-month-old son happily playing by my side…

…but his days of sitting still are over.

So it was time to get creative.

On a walk last week I saw a mom pushing one of her kids in the stroller while running…

while pushing her other kid in a tricycle with her other hand.

She wasn’t going fast but it was truly inspiring to see.

When Monday rolled around this week, my best idea was to push my two toddlers in a double stroller while running.

My wife tried to stop me because our stroller is not meant for running…

…and all she could picture is us hitting a pothole. And terrible things happening.

But we threw caution to the wind and set out anyway.

I normally hate running, but doing it while pushing a double stroller is so much worse.

I had one hand on the stroller and my one free arm was pumping furiously to keep the momentum going,

I made it about 10 steps before I was sucking wind and my brain was saying: “PLEASE STOP THIS MADNESS!!”

I kept pushing, but eventually had to take a break.

That’s when a funny thing happened…

…my almost three-year-old daughter turned around and said: “Daddy, why are you stopping?!”

That’s when I realized I had an accountability coach on board.

So I told her I had to catch my breath for a minute, but we would get going as soon as we reached that white mailbox up ahead.

I was looking at the white mailbox 300 yards ahead on the right…

…to give myself a decent break.

I had only walked a few feet before she turned around and shouted: “Daddy, Gooooooo!”

I hadn’t realized that every mailbox on the street was white. She had spotted one on our left.

All I could do was get going.

For the rest of the time…

…she yelled out encouragement…

…asked me why I was breathing so heavy…

…and told me I was going too slow.

Luckily, the next day when every bone in my body was sore, she wasn’t as hard on me.

With her help, it won’t be long before I’m back in tip-top shape.

Her accountability reminded me of some of the best coaches that I’ve worked with.

They didn’t go out and try to perform miracles for their clients.

They focus on sitting down with their clients to set outsized goals…

…then provide them a step by step roadmap to get there….

…and provide encouragement, accountability and support to keep their client on the path to inevitable achievement.

It sounds simple but for most coaches they try to over-complicate it.

Not only in working with their clients but in their marketing.

What it comes down to is detailing for your prospects why your unique approach will get them to their goal faster and easier than any other option.

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Brian Czekanski

I Help Personal Development Coaches Achieve 100k Youtube Subscribers in 10 Months Without Spending a Dime on Ads Through ‘The Hive Method’